Ryan and I Once Again

After Ryan and Megan moved out and were settled in their own lives it was Terry and I, things were good for quite a while then Terry started to become distant, his mind elsewhere, his interest in me sexually no longer there. He was quickly losing interest in me, his eye roaming, looking at other men, feeling like he had missed out.

I quickly realized he was seeing other men on the side, after my ordeal with Scott and the other Terry I was not going to stand in his way of his exploring his options, but he would not be living with me or sleeping in my bed anymore. Terry would get himself a one bedroom apartment on the other side of the city, he had met a younger guy he was interested in and hoped to pursue a sexual relationship with this young man.

I helped set Terry up in his new place, he and I would be friends, but not close ones, it was to weird to watch him with other guys around. Terry and I let the kids know we were going to separate their Dad moving out of my house. Terry and I split up financially, he going his way me going mine, I was not looking for another relationship at this time, or anytime soon. I wanted to be alone, let myself heal from all the bad ones I had been in.

After Terry left Ryan called me asking if I was okay, if I needed someone to talk to. I told him I was fine, I needed time to heal, I needed time alone to sort things out. Ryan told me if I ever needed anything to call him right away any time of day or night. Megan too was very supportive, these two were like my own kids they treated me like their Step Dad.

It must have been a week after I had talked to Ryan that he showed up at my place unannounced, he walked in like he always did, still having the key to my home. He was alone and was worried about me, I was so thrilled to see him again, I still cared for him so much.

He came in and hugged me, he knew how to hug me to make me feel so much better, we stood there holding each other and that is when the waterworks started. Terry and I splitting brought it all back, the thing with Scott, the other Terry who had left me to be with a much younger man. Ryan held me as I cried it out, I felt so good in Ryan's arms.

Ryan and I sat, he asked what was going on, I told him the details of his Dad moving in with a younger man he was no longer interested in me. I told Ryan about mine and Scott's relationship, and how I had met this other man named Terry and how he had left me for a much younger guy. I told him about the wonderful man named Robert who I loved more than life itself. Ryan held me as I broke down and told it all to him.

He and I sat and talked about our pasts and he told me how things were with himself and John, John had little or no sex drive or time or want to have sex anymore, Ryan as I remembered was a machine in the bedroom. Ryan looked me in the eye and pulled me in for a kiss, a Ryan kiss, I was powerless in his embrace. He made me feel cared for once again, he made me feel like I was worth something.

"Tom I still love you, I will never get over you, you and I had something very special."

"I love you too Ryan, always have always will, you saved me from the loveless sexless life after Robert was killed, I was dead inside, Scott hurt me so badly I would not trust anyone, I trusted Terry after Scott but that too ended badly for me, losing Robert was the final straw that did me in, I was never going to be with anyone ever again after that.

These men don't realize what it does to a man to be used and abused, not Robert but Scott and both Terry's, I was lost, I was broken, I put on a good show that I was okay. Then I met Robert he was my perfect match, but his life was cut short and I was left alone once more. I swore I would never let another man get close or near me, I was done with any and all men. Then you got in the shower with me and we well you know what we did. You brought me back to life Ryan."

"Tom you are my first love, there is no one that could ever compare to you, John is wonderful, and I love him with all my heart. I remember jerking off watching you in your shower as you jerked off for me to see you, I knew I would have to get in that shower with you, strip naked and get in that shower with you, you were so flustered, I was scared but at the same time I thought if you want something you go out and take it, and I was taking you Tom.

Ryan and I kissed, I felt bad for John, but I needed Ryan right now, I needed to feel like someone cared, like someone wanted me, that I was worth something, I was a shell once again, these men had left me broken. Ryan held me, he took me to the bedroom and undressed me. Him and I naked in bed together, Ryan held me to his chest, normally I held him, but he knew what I needed right now.

I slowly drifted off to sleep, with all that was going on with Terry and the memories all flooding back for me I was not sleeping at night. Ryan held me as I slept, I never felt so safe and cared for as I did right now. I awoke, Ryan too had dozed off, I looked at him, that beautiful young man who had taken care of me when I needed him the most, the young man who had breathed life back into me when I was lost and felt dead inside.

I broke down in tears, my emotions flooding out of me now, Ryan woke to me full throttle crying uncontrollably. He pulled me in tight to him, I felt so good in his arms.

"It's going to be okay Tom, I'm here I will take care or you. You know I love you."

"Love you too Ryan, thank you for all of this, you make me feel so much better, thank you so much."

Ryan and I laid there both of us naked, both of us hard, both of us not having had sex in a very long time. I felt so much guilt that I wanted Ryan and he was still with John. I needed someone to make me feel alive again.

"Tom how about a swim in the pool change this mood, or maybe I can watch you shower, the get in with you and suck you like I did the first time."

Ryan and I decided on a swim in the pool, Ryan went in the washroom to pee I headed out to the pool, I put on swim trunks so I was ready, I went out and dove in. Ryan came out the back door naked like he and I always swam. I got out and pulled my shorts off, Ryan did his flip in the water showing his perfect ass, I dove in coming up in front of Ryan.

Ryan pulled me into a kiss, I still had so much guilt that he was with John and he and I were kissing in my pool naked.

"Ryan you and I should not be doing this, you're with John, I feel so bad doing this."

"Tom John and I are on a break right now, I told him I could not be with a man who was not into sex, Tom you know me I need it daily and sometimes even more than that, I need you Tom."

Ryan and I in the middle of the pool holding each other, our lips locked on each other, we made our way to the edge, Ryan and I getting out of the pool, drying off and heading to my bedroom. Not a word spoken between us, I laid Ryan on his back on my bed, I climbed on top of him, he and I lip locked.

It was like it was before, Ryan rolled us over so he was now on top of me, we switched positions taking each others cocks in a sixty nine. I took his cock and swallowed it to the base, I slurped I sucked I swallowed Ryan's beautiful cock, the taste of his precum, the feel of his cock inside me. I felt so good again, Ryan went to town on my cock, with the lack of sex lately my balls pulled in I was ready to shoot Ryan full of my cum.

I sucked Ryan harder, deeper, I placed my index finger at his pucker, the finger did it, Ryan's cock exploded, my own cock started shooting, we laid there one on top of each other. Our bodies contorting from the massive orgasm we were both in the middle of. Ryan did not move, he held my cock deep inside his mouth, his deep inside mine.

Ryan changed positions his lips on mine, he rolled us over I was on top of him once again.

"I've missed you Tom, I've missed us Tom, I love you."

"Missed you too Ryan, and it's been some time since I had sex with a man, Love you too."

"Tom I need you in me, I need your seed deep inside of me."

I pulled Ryan's legs back, placed them on my shoulders, grabbed the lube and placed my cock at his hole.

"Take it easy Tom been a long time for me, John is a bottom only."

"I would never hurt you Ryan."

I pressed my cock into him, Ryan let me in him, his ass incredibly tight, my cock enveloped in his tight hole. I held my cock in place letting Ryan's ass get used to the intrusion, it felt so good to be with Ryan and in him of course. Ryan and I were like we were before, we could not keep our hands off of each other. We were kissing, touching holding each other, it felt so good to have him back at my side.

He and I planned our entire weekend together, I later asked Ryan where he was living now that he and John were on a break.

"Tom I hoped you would let me move back in with you, either in your room with you or in my old room I guess."

I looked at him, like I would let him sleep alone in his old room when he could be in my arms with me.

"Ryan you will be in bed with me, you know I would never ask you to sleep alone when you could be with me in my bed."

Ryan and I spent most of the day either in the pool or in the lounger, cuddled up together, we would plan out something for dinner, then settle in with a movie then early to bed. The sex was incredible, like it was when Ryan and I first got together. He and I talked about what was happening with him now that he was on a break, what I planned to do now that Terry was moved out.

Ryan had applied for a transfer so he would be closer to me and his Dad, not realizing that Terry and I were about to split up. He and John the relationship on the rocks for months now, Ryan knew the breakup inevitable. Ryan hoped to stay with his Dad and I for a few months till he could get back on his feet again. With his Dad and I it opened the door for him and I restarting where we had left off.

I had plans to go visit Tim and Dad, it being Dad's birthday I planned a big birthday bash, we had invited the whole town it seems, Barbra and John, Darren and Billy also planned to come, I asked Ryan if he would come with me as my plus one. Ryan was all for meeting my Dad and all the rest of the gang, I would call Tim to let him know that Ryan would be my plus one not Terry.

We would head over to spend the weekend with them this upcoming weekend, Ryan and I would fly out I was not up to the long drive there, we could rent a car once we got there. I booked our flights and reserved a car once we landed. Ryan and I enjoyed our flight, having a drink before and on the flight as well.

When we touched down we got our car and headed over to Dad's to enjoy our weekend, I loved how Ryan was not nervous or shy to meet any of them. Dad and Tim both loved Ryan from the start, he was always so cordial and respectful with any and all. He and I got settled in my old room, it was weird to be back in this room without Scott.

We all had a drink before dinner, I would help Tim get the food ready, Ryan sat and talked with Dad as Tim and I got it all ready to be served.

"Tom, Ryan is such a great guy, and so remarkably handsome."

"Yes he sure is Tim, he and I get along so well together."

We got dinner on the table the four of us enjoying good conversation and really great food, Tim was a really good cook. Billy called me while we were eating asking us to join them at his Mom and Dad's they all wanted to get together for drinks and a night of a trivia game. When we finished dinner we quickly got it all cleaned up then sat and chatted just the four of us.

We got ready and headed over to John and Barbra's, I had forgot to let Billy know that I was no longer with Terry and now with Ryan. When we walked in you could see the look on all their faces.

"Oh I am sorry everyone, this is Ryan he is here with me, Terry and I separated, he wanted to go his own way, Ryan is Terry's son."

Everyone greeted Ryan with open arms, they did not know Ryan and I were together, we all settled in, I sat on the floor in front of Ryan, my back on his legs. It was so good to see Darren and Billy, the kids getting so big so quickly, they both came and sat with Uncle Tom till they had to get to bed, Gramma Barb helped get the kids to bed.

Darren and I talked a bit he did not want to bring up Scott in front of everyone, but I could tell he had something to tell me about him. I excused myself and asked Darren to join me in the kitchen.

"Tom I wanted to ask you how you are doing? I heard about you and Terry, well I guess both Terry's now, are you again single? Scott wanted to know if you would give him another chance?"

"Darren Ryan and I are together, I am not sure I could ever trust Scott ever again anyways."

"Oh Tom I did not realize you and Ryan were a together, I am sorry I assumed you and he were alone."

"Not only Scott can get a younger man Darren."

As our conversation was half way through Billy and Ryan came in the kitchen, Ryan came to me putting his arm around my back, myself putting my arm around his back, pulling him close. Billy and Darren gave us both a funny look.

"Caught you guys a little off guard did we? I called Dad and Tim so they would know, sorry I did not tell you guys."

"Good to see you looking happy Tom long overdue, Darren and I are very happy for you both."

We stood there and talked for a bit, agreeing to get together just the four of us so we could catch up, so they could get to know Ryan. We would get together for lunch the next day, we joined the rest of them and started our game. I warned them Ryan was a whiz at trivia, Ryan leaned in and kissed me, we caught them all not expecting that whatsoever.

"I am sorry everyone I should have told you Ryan and I are together, he and I were together before I was with his Dad, we thought the age difference would be a problem when we were together the first time so we ended it but he and I reconnected after his Dad and I split up."

They all seemed to take in a breath of air after I explained what was going on between us, we got our game started they put myself Ryan Dad and Tim on one team, they never stood a chance. We had great conversation, lots of laughs, it was so good to be with them all again. We played on drank our drinks, Dad and Tim ready to go home, we said our goodbyes then meeting Billy and Darren for lunch tomorrow.

Ryan drove us back to Dad's place as he had not drank letting me have a few drinks this way, we sat and talked when we got back to Dad's house.

Ryan and I said our good nights, he and I tired from the long day and I looked forward to a night in bed with him once more. Ryan slowly undressed me, then stripping off his clothes for me to watch, we snuggled in together, Ryan under the covers getting me hard so he and I could stretch that hole of his once more. Ryan rode my cock like a bronc rider, he and I blowing our loads virtually at the same time, I got up cleaned us off then crawled back in pulling him in close to me.

"Night Tom, thanks for that I needed that all day."

"Night Ryan thank you I also needed that."

He and I soon snoozing, I held him to me all night, he laid half on me, the way I liked him to be, his hand inches from my cock, my hand under his neck holding him close.












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